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Kunst en Wetenschapsfestival ‘The Bodies You Become’

Op het Kunst en Wetenschapsfestival op de universiteit in Wageningen maakt Danstheater Aard onderdeel uit van het programma. Ben je benieuwd hoe? Je bent van harte welkom!

Organisatie: Studium Generale
Locatie: Impulse, gebouwnummer 115, Wageningen University & Research

The Bodies You Become invites artists to the stage and together we embark on a quest: what does the fundamental presence of our fluid bodies in our lives mean for the sciences we do and the knowledges we gather?

Join us at Impulse for a night of mime, dance, henna, food, bushcraft and conversation between artists and scientists.

Bron: www.wur.nl/en/education-programmes/studium-generale/show/sg-spring-festival-2023-between-art-science-the-bodies-you-become.htm

21 mei


2 september

Carolina Festival - Danstheaterworkshops